Welding Quality Control
GQS can help you maintain the highest standards in manufacturing or repair, providing quality assurance in plant integrity, safety and compliance within specifications.
Welding QAQC consists of the observation techniques and activities used to fulfil quality requirements. This may include working through Inspection and Test Plans (ITPs) or checking that:
- the welder is suitably qualified
- the welding procedure and parameters are correct for the material being welded
- the welding consumable has been prepared correctly, and a range of other checks that need to be carried out to ensure quality control in the process
- material traceability and document control is achieved
GQS can perform fabrication and piping inspections in accordance with standards such as AS 4458, AS 4037, AS 1210, AS 3920.1, AS 4041, AS/NZS 1554.1, AS/NZS 3992, AS 2885.2, ASME B31.3, DNV-OS-F101.
Our Process
- Checking personnel are qualified for tasks
- Oversee welder/welding operator qualification tests.
- Identify and control project materials and consumables
- Ensure fabrication process is being conducted in accordance with project tolerances, specifications, and procedures
- Work through project Inspection and Test Plans (ITPs)
- Identifying, marking and recording of component/ weld joint for traceability
- Checking and recording the welding procedure and parameters are correct for the material/ component under fabrication
- Checking pre-heat and inter-pass temperatures are as per the welding procedure
The Welding Procedure Specification
GQS can ensure weld procedures are developed and qualified to meet the requirements of the applicable standards and client specifications prior to the commencement of production welding.
The Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) is the formal document describing the welding process and procedures. It is a guide to the welder that an accepted procedure can repeatably achieve quality welds.
Our Process
- Determine and develop welding procedures
- Ensuring relevant code compliance with regards to NDT, mechanical testing and procedure qualification documentation
- Creating a practical written instruction for the welder/ welding operator
- Controlling welding
- Ensuring consistently sound welds are produced to give customers confidence for their welding project
Welding Supervision
GQS has the capability to manage welders and welding operator qualification tests to ensure that project personnel are able to perform within the parameters of the Welding Procedure Specification. This process sees the welder or welding operator perform under test conditions to weld an item using a specified welding position with specified welding consumables and materials, travel speed, amps and volts. The audit of the welder/ welding operator to pass the test may include visual, radiographic and/or mechanical testing and will prove the capability of the welder/ welding operator in the field in accordance with the required specifications.
These principles include:
- Correct joint setup to drawing
- Using the correct welding consumable
- Use of preheat
- Following the welding procedure in terms of amps, volts and travel speed
- Inter-run cleaning and run sequence
- Final visual inspection
- Arrange for non-destructive testing and destructive testing
- Qualify welders to required procedures